How are your students learning the durable skills they will need to succeed today and in their future career?
Too many students and educators focus on the technical skills needed for a chosen career path. If students are lacking the essential durable skills required by employers they will struggle to land and keep a job.
WHAT you know may get you hired, but WHO you are will get you fired!
Take control of your future...
Enroll in a durable skills course today!
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Can a student's talents, interests, and aptitudes fit into a high-demand, high reward occupation?
There are tremendous opportunities in this new economy for high school and college graduates that will lead to satisfying work and solid wages for our students. Meaningful career conversations that encourage students to explore, investigate, and train in occupations that are in high demand in our economy are critical to success.
By deciding what is next...
Combining career-connected learning activities with your chosen K-12 pathway or CTE curriculum will certainly help get you on a path to future career success!
The BEA has tools and resources to support your career exploration and training journey.